Intercultural Studies, M.A.

随着全球社会文化和宗教多样性的不断增加, 今天的基督教领袖需要培养跨文化沟通的方法, worship, theology, and ministry.

School of Ministry




Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies

十大赌博网站的跨文化研究硕士提供了以下机会 advanced theological engagement with pressing missiological questions in light of Scripture and the rich heritage of Christian faith and practice.

Our context is important to us. 我们认识到并利用我们在南佛罗里达的位置所提供的宝贵资源.
很少有地方比这里更适合真正的跨文化和跨宗教教育. 少数民族和少数民族人口占总人口的68%以上, and half of all residents speak a language other than English. PBA的跨文化经验丰富的教师代表了这种多样性以及独特的文化和宣教经验和培训的深度.
我们热情的社区将为您提供与来自世界各地的同学和教授互动的机会. 你将加深对世界基督教的了解,并学习在美国多元社会更有效地服事的实用技巧.S. and around the world.

What Can You Do with an Intercultural Studies Degree?


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An Innovative Degree

  • Students can complete their studies in just two years.
  • Small classes delivered mostly online fostering a community of students with a variety of experiences.
  • Lower tuition cost 和许多其他跨文化研究研究生课程的学分数.
  • Preparation for doctoral studies in related fields.
  • Holistic education from 拥有多元文化背景和国籍的一流师资队伍.
  • Theological engagement of significant topics, such as: reconciliation, religious pluralism, cultural intelligence in society, intercultural approaches for ministry, ecclesiology in global perspective, and contemporary global crises.
  • Intercultural training formed by ancient Christian practiceskerygma (proclamation), leiturgia (worship), diakonia (service), koinonia (community building).

What Can I Do With an MA in Intercultural Studies?

  • 在高中和大学本科阶段教授社会科学或文化研究课程
  • International missions work
  • Church staff for intercultural/missions ministries
  • Community development work
  • Policy analysis
  • Cross-cultural communications expert with para-church organizations, churches and intercultural businesses

Program Details

The School of Ministry is all about equipping. 我们为充满激情的年轻人提供世俗的工具和精神视角,以上帝的话语为指导,在世界上创造积极的变化. We promise a connected, 有吸引力和充实的学习经验,将装备你使用你的礼物为他的荣耀. Our programs prepare students through expert instruction in Bible, theology, history and real-world ministry skills. PBA’s multi-cultural, 多教派的环境是完美的准备我们的神学院学生动态福音事工在一个不断变化的世界.
作为部学院研究生专业的学生, 你将涉水进入一个充满各种学习机会的海洋,这些机会旨在让你为积极影响生活做好准备.
  • Gain specialized training in ministry
  • 通过对神和他的话语有更深的理解来经历属灵的成长
  • Practice your ministry abilities through internships, practicum experiences and field service activities
  • Learn in a supportive community

An Innovative Degree:

  • Theology of reconciliation, missiology, ecclesiology, world Christianity, and theology of religions, along with practical skills for leadership in these fields.
  • 改变生活的学术和部长培训,将形成你的跨文化参与和领导能力, empirical research, and PhD studies for those interested in pursuing doctoral work.
  • 跨文化交际训练由古代基督教的实践形成 kerygma (proclamation), leiturgia (worship), diakonia (service), koinonia (community building).
  • 师从不同文化背景和国籍的教师.
我们力求通过在线学习模式,结合夏季在西十大赌博网站或奥兰多校区的两周专门时间,创建一个多元化的学习社区, with placements and opportunities for study outside the U.S. We seek to provide scholarships to help our students flourish.

Program’s key differentiators:

与大多数其他跨文化课程相比,学时和学费都更低, missiology, or cross-cultural master’s programs. Can be completed in two years. 具有广泛的文化背景和国籍的教师,以及多年的跨文化和宣教经验.

Program Course Details:

期望学生能够在两年内完成学位课程. Two classes will be offered per semester; fall and spring courses will be eight-weeks online (one at a time, A and B terms), and summer classes will be four weeks each (A and B terms) online.


  • $550 per credit hour

Tuition & Fees

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.

Course Catalog


Undergraduate Requirements:

申请人必须持有地区认可机构的学士学位,最低累积GPA为2.75 on a 4.0 scale. (GPA低于这个最低门槛可能会被考虑以个案为基础,以试用状态录取.)

Admissions interview after application.

Our welcoming community will provide opportunities for you to interact with classmates and professors worldwide.
You will enhance your understanding of world Christianity and learn practical skills for ministering more effectively in pluralistic societies in the U.S. and worldwide.

PBA provides life-changing scholarly and ministerial training 这将为你的跨文化参与和领导能力,实证研究和博士学位.D. studies for those interested in pursuing doctoral work.

West Palm Beach Admissions

Office of Admissions

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Phone: (561) 803-2100

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